Monday, December 20, 2010

Chapter 63

Later that day, Malachai called Jeff Bataglia, taking his number off the card that his Dad had given him the night Matt passed away.  “This is Jeff Bataglia”, he said when he answered his office phone.

“Hello, Mr. Bataglia.  My name is Malachai Draiman.”

“You’re David’s boy, aren’t you?”

“Yes, sir.  He gave me your card a while back and this is the first opportunity I’ve had to call you.”

“You’re looking for representation, aren’t you?”

“That would be correct, sir.”

“Well, Malachai, as much as I’d love to help you out with that and do it myself; I can’t.  It would be unethical for me to do so seeing as I represent your father and the rest of Disturbed.”

“I understand that completely.  It would be more so seeing as my younger sister is the lead vocalist and Logan Moyer is the bassist for our band.”

“Yeah, it would be.”

“Well, do you know of anyone that can help us out?”

“Give me just a moment, let me look through some stuff and I’ll let you know.”  Malachai heard the clicking of keys on the other end of the phone.  “Ah, found you someone.  She’s good too.  You got a pen and piece of paper to take her number down?”

Malachai picked up his pen.  “Ready when you are.”

“Ok, her name is Lauren Cook.”  Jeff gave Malachai her number.  “She’s looking for some talented up and comers to represent.”

“Does she know anything about the music business?”

“She was my assistant for a few years during the Utopian Conflict.  She helped me get a few of the new bands that came out after your Dad ended that stupid shit.”

“Cool.  Well, thank you, Mr. Bataglia.”
“No sweat, Malachai.  I wish you and your band the best of luck.”

“Thank you, Mr. Bataglia.  Have a good day.”

“You too, Malachai.”

When he hung up with the man, he immediately dialed the number written on the back of his hand.  “Lauren Cook”, she said when she answered the phone.

“Hello, Ms. Cook.  My name is Malachai Draiman.  I got your number from Jeff Bataglia.”

“Well, hello, Malachai.  You’re David Draiman’s oldest child, aren’t you?”

He sighed.  He knew in the back of his mind that he should have used his Uncle’s last name when he introduced himself.  “Yes, I’m David Draiman’s oldest.”

“Hmm.  That’s pretty cool.  So, anyway, why did Jeff give you my number?”

“Well, my sister and I have a band and we’ve been driving ourselves crazy trying to get signed.  We’ve been trying to get out from under the massive shadow that our father casts and I have to admit, it’s not easy.”

“Hold on.  You said your sister?  Jordan, right?”

“Yeah, her name is Jordan.”

“When you guys did the county fair up there she was on FIRE!”

“You’ve seen us perform?”

“Only every time you’ve played except at your Uncle’s funeral.”


“Oh yeah.  Anyway, so how did you get Jeff’s number?”

“My Dad gave it to me.  He said that if Jeff couldn’t help us he’d know someone who could.”

“Your Dad doesn’t strike me as someone who would do that just because you’re his kid.  He’s making you guys earn your stripes, isn’t he?”

“Hell yeah, he is.  And every penny he’s sunk into our band, he’s making us all pay back.”

“How big is the band?”

“Four members.”

“Names, please?”
“Myself, my sister Jordan, Logan Moyer, and Caleb Johnson.”

“Logan Moyer?  John Moyer’s boy?”

“One in the same.”

“I thought he looked familiar.”  She took a moment to breathe and collect her thoughts.  “Alright, I’ll do it.  You guys officially have a manager.”

Malachai let out a sigh of relief.  “Thank you.  You have no idea what this means.”  He paused as the feeling that she was doing it because of who his father was, so he asked.  “You’re not just doing this because my dad’s David Draiman, are you?”

“No.  I’m doing this because I’ve heard you guys play and I think you have a future in the music industry.  I’m doing this because I have faith in Reckless Disregard.”

That last comment made him smile.  “Thank you, Lauren.”

“I’ll be out in a few days with a contract for all of you to sign.  Make sure one of your parents is available to sign for Jordan.”

“Will do.  Again, thank you, Lauren.”

“No problem, Malachai.  See you in a few days”, she said and hung up.

Malachai ran into the main house celebrating.


Jordan sat at the kitchen table and did her homework along with her younger siblings.  She heard a racket coming from outside the back door as her mother helped her with her English homework.  When she looked up, she was Malachai running up the path from his house to the main house.  When he made it to the door he opened it and slid across the kitchen floor, ending up in a power slide.  She gave him the dirty look she thought he deserved.  “There’s no need to come in celebrating because you just got laid, Malachai”, she said.

“I’m not celebrating because Mandy just gave me some.  I’m celebrating because I just got us a manager.”

She laughed.  “Oh really?  What’s their name?”

“Her name is Lauren Cook.  She used to work for Dad’s manager, Jeff Bataglia.”

David looked up from where he sitting and helping Jeremiah with his science homework.  “I told you that if he couldn’t help you he’d know someone good who can.  What did he say when you told him you were my kid?”

“I didn’t.  I introduced myself and he said, ‘You’re David’s boy, aren’t you?’  I didn’t deny it.  Once I explained what I wanted he said, ‘As much as I’d like to help you, I can’t.  It would be unethical for me to do so seeing as I represent you Dad and the rest of Disturbed’.”

“But he gave you this Lauren Cook’s number?”

“Yes, sir.  Apparently, she’s seen every performance except Uncle Matt’s funeral.”

“Well, then… looks like you landed a female version of Jeff.”

Malachai laughed.  “It looks like it.  She said that she’d be here in a few days for us to sign contracts.”

“Daddy, will you be the parental consent for my contract?” Jordan asked her father.

“NO, Jordan.  I’m hands off from this point on.  I’d rather your mother be the signing guardian.”

“But, Daddy…” Jordan pouted.

“NO, JORDAN.  I mean it.  And if you keep it up, you won’t be signing a contract.  Understood?”

She sighed.  “Yes, sir.”


Dan called David later that evening to talk business.  “Brother, after hearing what I heard at Matt’s funeral, I’m surprised you haven’t signed them yourself.”

“Yeah, I do that and it looks like a bad case of nepotism.  Not what I’m looking to show the world.  If YOU want to sign them to Intoxication, Danny, then I’m all for that, but my name will be NO WHERE on ANY of the paperwork.”

“You don’t want it to look like favoritism.”

“Nope.  That’s why my name’s not on any of the demo’s they’ve sent out either.”

“Didn’t you produce them?”

“I did, but I’m not letting record companies know that.  They’d turn them down just for the fun of it.  Accuse them of trying to get a deal on my name.  I don’t want that for them and neither do they.”

“And that’s why you haven’t drawn up the paperwork to sign them to Intoxication.”

“Precisely.  I don’t show any form of nepotism to any of my children at home.  Why should I do it because two of my children are trying to get into the music industry?”

“Ah, I see.  Well, I’m going to bounce the idea off of Mikey and see what he thinks.  If he agrees, then I’ll draw up the papers and Brie can sign for Jordan seeing as you want to be hands off.”

“Thank you, brother.  I appreciate this.  Keep me as out of the loop as you can.  If I don’t need to know, then I don’t want to know.”

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