Malachai had trouble sleeping that night just like most other nights since Devon took her own life. But, he wasn't thinking of Devon, he was thinking of the man he would be confronting that afternoon after they touched down in Texas. Malachai was nervous to say the very least. He was scared. He had no idea what to expect. Does the bastard even know I exist? he asked himself as he laid there sleeplessly. "Surely, Mom told him that he was going to have a son. Mom wouldn't have kept me a secret from him.
He couldn't lay there any longer. He crawled out of bed and went downstairs only to find his parents watching television. "You guys having trouble sleeping too?" he asked as he stepped off the bottom stair.
"More like your mother was having trouble sleeping but is now asleep on my shoulder and now I can't sleep. I don't really know what's keeping me up, though."
"Could it be your old rule that if Mom doesn't sleep then you don't sleep either?"
"Possibly, but I kept that rule while your mother was pregnant with the first set of twins and Maddie. After the quads, I stopped keeping that rule."
"Apparently your body hasn't. I've noticed a lot that you tend not to sleep if Mom doesn't."
"Must be the nights you don't sleep either."
"Before I finished school, it was on nights that I was up all night working on one paper/ project or another."
"Speaking of school, are you thinking about college?"
"Actually, I am. I'm waiting on a few acceptance letters to come in. I applied for a correspondence course throught Loyola in Business Admin."
"Really? I got my BA in Business Admin through Loyola."
"I know, Dad. You also have a BA in Philosophy and Political Science from Loyola."
David chuckled. "I keep forgetting that you kids know about my degrees."
"Oh, Dad, are you and Mom letting Jake go to that summer thing in Chicago?"
"Yeah, on the stipulation that he stays with your godfather and the first time he gets into ANY kind of trouble, Danny's gonna call us and send him home. The school knows this already and they've agreed. 'The son of such a distinguished Alumni as yourself will be treated however you ask' the Dean said. 'He will be given every consideration and the first sign of trouble he will be sent directly home.'"
"Jake's gonna hate you and Mom for that."
"Oh well?" David said as though he really didn't care. "He can hate us all he wants. It wasn't as if I was trying to use my pull as an Alumni to get him or YOU any kind of special consideration."
"What do you mean, OR ME, Dad?"
"The Dean told me that he had your application on his desk and said that since he heard from me that he was going to approve your application for a correspondence course. He also said that he hoped that you're a hard a worker as I was while I was a student there."
"And that's exactly what I'm trying to get out from under, Dad. I'm trying to get out of your shadow. I want to get by on my own merits and not on yoru name."
"I know, Malachai, and that's why I told him to approve the application on its merits and NOT because you're my son. I don't want you pissed at me because it seems like my name is getting you things or keeping yopu from getting things. I WANT you get earn your place. I had to earn mine. I busted my ass in school and earned all three of my degrees in a matter of three years. I went to class year round, took 26 hours a semester, AND worked a full time job."
"DAMN! I didn't know that."
"Yeah. And I believe that if i had to bust my ass then you should have to bust yours. Your last name should grant you nothing." David sighed. "But, now, enough about Loyola, why the hell aren't you asleep, Malachai?"
"The trip to Texas has me on edge. I know this is what I need to do, but I just can't keep from wondering if he even knows that I'm alive and if he doesn't if that would have made a difference."
David nodded. "I can understand that, but I can assure you, Malachai, that your mother told him about you. He mentioned you the night I beat his ass."
"Oh, well, I guess that wouldn't have made a difference, then. One less worry on my mind."
"Glad I could be of some help, Malachai. Now, why don't you try to get a little bit of rest before we take off. We'll only be there until tomorrow morning, so you won't have to suffer too much."
Malachai snorted a laugh. "Thanks for that, Dad. I needed that laugh. I'll see you in the other side of the sunrise."
"See you then, son."
The other side of the sunrise found Malachai snoring. He didn't get up for family breakfast. No one could stir him and all of his siblings tried. David told them not to bother him and the let him rest. He had a lot on his plate for the day, but none of them listened. "Daddy, 'Chai needs to eat wif US", Jessykah said.
"No, Jessi, 'Chai needs to sleep. He had a rough night last night and he has a lot a head of him today. 'Chai and me are going on a trip today." He knew his grammar was wrong, but he still used it because he's four year old daughter didn't understand him any other way for some reason.
"What is Malachai doing that's such a big deal?" Maddie asked.
"He's going to meet his birth father, Madison Jade", Brie told second daughter.
"Hold on a minute", she said. "Malachai's not Dad's son?"
"No, Jade, Malachai's not my biological son, but he's my son none the less. I raised him as if he were my own from the time he was five. I'm the only father Malachai knows."
"Then why is is so important for him to go meet a man that did raise him or take care of him in anyway?" Jake asked.
"Because the man not being there is bothering me, Jake, that's why. I'm losing sleep over that asshole not being a real man and I want to know why he couldn't balls up and take care of me like Dad did. I want to know why he let another man raise me."
"Damn, big brother, I'm sorry I asked", Jake said sarcastically.
"Don't be sorry, Jake, just don't be a prick. You might only be 13, but you're still my brother and I'm sure Mom and Dad will let me stomp a mud hole in if you need be."
"Jake, why are you being so fucking hateful?" Jordan asked.
"Because I'm tired of the focus always being Malachai. For the love of God, don't the rest of us matter?"
"Jacob Micah, you're so fucking self- centered. I wish Mom and Dad would have told you NO on your stupid little summer camp at Loyola. You don't deserve it. You're being an asshole", Jordan scolded her twin brother.
"Well, excuse me, Jordan, for wanting the focus of this family to stop being ONE PERSON. 'Malachai can't sleep so the rest of us need to be quiet.' 'Malachai's girlfriend just offed herself so we all need to be sensitive to that and let him mourn.' 'Malachai wants to know why his REAL father was never there so we all need to be nice to him.'"
"No one ever said that, Jacob", Jordan said. "I don't know what your problem is, but I'm surprised that Mom and Dad don't let Malachai take you outside and beat the living shit out of you for being such an insensitive punk."
Malachai shook his head. "It wouldn't be worth it if they did anyway. Jake's entitled to his opinion just like everyone else is, and though it would certainly make me feel better to beat his face in it would also cause more problems than it's worth. I just hope that Jake remembers this the next time HE'S the center of attention and the REST of us are tired of hearing 'Jake this...' and 'Jacob that...'"
Jacob just sat and stared at Malachai speechlessly. When he finally found his words, he had to clear his throat to get out what he was trying to say. "Is that really how you feel when it's all about me?"
"Is what you just said how you feel because I'm going through some shit right now?" Malachai spat back at him.
Jake has the decency to look ashamed of himself. "I'm sorry, Malachai. I know I should be more supportive of you right now because you're always there for me. I'm being an ass."
"You're forgiven, Jacob. Being an inconsiderate ass upon occasion seems to be a male trait in our family." Malachai couldn't help but smile at his younger brother.
After going through all the bull shit security at the Denver International Airport and finally boarding their plane, David and Malachai were on their way to the Waco Airport. From there they would rent a car, get a hotel room for the night, then go to Killeen for Malachai to meet the man that fathered him. Malachai wasn't sure how to feel about what was happening. His thoughts were racing and no one single thought would stick with him for very long. He glanced over to David, who was sitting and reading a book. "Dad?" he asked.
David looked up from the book in his lap. "What's up, son?"
"Is it normal for me to be nervous?"
"I would think so, Malachai. Honestly, I don't know. I would think that meeting the man that helped create you then flaked would be cause to BE nervous. Hell, were I in your shoes, Malachai, I'd be scared out of my mind."
"Yes. It's not everyday that you meet the man that should have been there for you and wasn't. I'm sure you have all kinds of 'What Ifs' running through your mind."
"I do. What if he's not what I expected? What if I look just like him? What if he wants to be a part of my life now because he wasn't ready then?"
"I get that, Malachai. I'm pretty sure that you don't look just like him. Other than that, son, I don't know what to tell you."
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